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Early Childhood Screening
Course Category
About Early Childhood Screening

The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Early Childhood Screening is a quick and simple check of how children are doing between the ages of 3 to 4 years. It identifies, at an early stage, possible learning or health concerns so that children can get needed help before starting school.

HERE is a video about Early Childhood Screening from MDE.

If a family requires a virtual developmental screening due to immunocompromised health please go to this link to request one. If a parent is a conscientious objector or does not want the screening for their child, they may give the district a signed statement and the child does not need to complete the screening. View Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.16-19 and Minnesota Rules, part 3530.3000-4310 for more information.

There are no Early Childhood Screening courses available for registration.